Dental clinic
M.D. Lubica Onufrakova
Call us
+421 55 / 644 30 62
+421 948 240 341
Where to find us
Cottbuska 13, Kosice
Hlavna 102, Haniska pri Kosiciach
Contact us
Dr. PROKI, s.r.o.
We perform common dental procedures such as fillings, extractions, bridges, prostheses, tooth sanding, also we specialize in aesthetic dentistry and periodontology. More in information the “offer” section.


Dental hygiene

Aesthetic dentistry


Laser treatment

Preventive school program
What we offer
In addition to common dental procedures such as fillings, extractions, bridges, prostheses, tooth sanding we specialize in aesthetic dentistry and periodontology .
If you are not satisfied with the aesthetics of your smile, contact us or book to an independent analysis of your smile. This is based on study models and photos of your teeth. The analysis is independent and cots 20€, once done we will recommend you the optimal solution for your situation. You can then decide what to do next, based on the actual visual result.
Dental hygiene
We are a dental clinic that is focused on periodontology with an emphasis on dental hygiene.
– Our clinic is located at the KVP polyclinic – 2nd floor on the right, room number 047.
– We recommend the dental hygiene, based on the condition, at least 1 to 2 times a year to prevent optimal oral health.
(Good hygiene means that the teeth do not decay, the gums are not swollen, the teeth are overall clearer and healthier.)
More on dental hygiene…
Aesthetic dentistry
It is well known that people with ugly teeth or gum disease tend to hide their smile.
Our goal is to allow our patients to smile and profit from their smile!
More on aethetic dentistry…
We offer treatment of:
– periodontitis
– exposed tooth necks and roots
– labial frenulum also with laser
– vestibular deepening
– TMJ pain and other pain
– supportive periodontal therapy
– soft tissue therapy
– aphthous ulcers treatment
Fast and efficient in 20-30 minutes
Preventive school program
Preventive and educational program for school and kindergarten
As part of the National Dental Hygiene Month, we give lectures and demonstrations for children about proper teeth cleaning and hygiene habits.
Prevention and care of children is particularly important!!! It is necessary to realize that children build hygiene habits since the early childhood. These habits give them the basis for healthy teeth in adulthood. The teeth are growing from the age of six (or even earlier) and are supposed to last the whole life. It is a huge mistake when the parents come to the dentist for the first time only when their children’s teeth start to hurt. In most of the cases this is also reflected in the cooperation with the child. We give children a particular attention towards the prevention, and also use the high-end materials for fluoridation. After the remediation, this procedure is for the children repeated twice a year and it is covered by public health insurance.
Good advice comes at a price
Do you feel that you still have many caries despite thoroughly brushing your teeth?
Do a simple test to measure your saliva’s pH and buffering capacity!
Saliva has an important role – it protects the enamel from tooth decay!!!
Our team
M.D. Lubica Onufrakova
graduated in 2004 at the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen (Czechia).
During her studies completed an internship at the Washington D.C., Spanish Catholic Center – where she worked as a volunteer at the Dental clinic.
2004 – 2005: Practice in private dental clinic M.D. Faltynka in Prerov (Czechia).
2005 – 2013: Polyclinic Sekcov in Presov, since 2007-2012 Head of the Department of Dentistry.
In 2007 attended the Great New York Dental Meeting – one of the largest dental events in the world.
Since 2014 private dental practice.
Holds a certificate from mucogingival surgery and laser medicine.
In addition, she has received numerous certificates from various trainings and internships throughout Europe /Belgium, Austria, Greece, Poland …./
MUDr. Zuzana Bednarčíková
2005 – graduated in dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ Košice
2005-2018 – long-term stay abroad (Hamburg – Germany)
2018-2020 – professional dental training, dentist in private dentistry amb.
2020 – dentist in private dentistry amb. Dr. PROKI, s. r. o., Košice
Bc. Marianna Roskova
dental hygienist
(currently replaced by M.D Simona Vargova)
2011 – 2012: STU, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Bratislava.
2013 – 2016: Department of Dental Hygiene, Presov.
From January to April 2015: Erasmus+ program, Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Dental Hygiene Program, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
From June 2015 to September 2015: Dental Hygienist for Family Dental Care, s.r.o, Bratislava.
From September 2015 to May 2016: Compulsory school practice in JA Reiman Hospital, Presov.
Andrea Klajberova
Long-term practice in the field of general medicine and dentistry – since 1993.